Friday, April 2, 2010

Two Days ‘Til the Final Four…

OMG! This is C here to tell you that R won a prize in the Women’s Talk Sports Basketball Challenge (we told you to register). And it was not for her basketball team picking acumen; believe you me, although she did end up higher than me. How is that possible? I read up on the teams on that there Internet waaaay more than her! Anyhoo, she was chosen randomly for the prize, but as we say here at C and R’s, a prize is a prize is a prize. And it just wasn’t any prize, she had a choice. She chose the purple bra! (It’s not everyday you win a purple bra). Now C wants to know if WTS will deliver it by shooting it out of a cannon!

In other news, since C and R couldn’t travel to San Antonio for the women’s basketball Final Four (C’s son needed help with homework. Seriously.), we have sent some intrepid reporters (meaning some fans went on their own and wrote us). One group we dispatched on Wednesday by car and we are not sure if the made it. Anyone seen four women in a car with California license plates? They play basketball.

Our NOF (number one fan) is down there and is enjoying some food (fried, battered and dipped) the weather (stormy, hot and humid) and some sight seeing (River walk, Mission San Jose and The Alamo Dome--isn’t that where they are going to play the basketball games?). Said not many Stanford fans there yet, but tons of UConn fans. Hurry up Stanford fans, and get there to out-number the UConn fans! We have to beat UConn at something…Oops, I did not just write that…delete, delete, delete.

So we saw on Women Talk Sports you can download some sort of Stanford App. One fan was telling us about the app while razzing us about doing better in the Women talk Sports Challenge but who took home the purple bra? Huh? Who? Anyhoo, the Stanford App will have photos, team videos and news releases and head coach Tara VanDerveer’s Twitters. Hmm, I get all that now at C and R’s Stanford Women’s Basketball Blog! Hee hee! Plus I don’t own an Iphone.

So we asked her to write a review about the app we can post, stating something like, what is an app? If any of you have the Stanford Women’s Basketball App, email us a review as well and we’ll post.

Oh, Happy Stanford Send -Off Yesterday:

And Here's What they Did Today! (compliments of Mel Murphy's Melevision)

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